I can barely understand or say a few words if any
I can interact with people somewhat if they talk slowly and clearly and use simple language and provide help
I can understand and express myself using basic nbsp words and expressions in everyday situations I can talk about work family shopping etc
I can understand nbsp basic conversations on familiar matters in everyday life at work in shops etc I can talk about my plans and dreams and I can write and read without looking up nbsp a lot of words
I can understand the key ideas of complex texts concrete and abstract topics I can write detailed texts on a wide range of subjects I can communicate with some fluency and spontaneity
I can attend meetings or classes at university discuss with clients and converse with anyone without hesitating too much I can also write structured texts reports emails etc with little or no help I am at ease with the language
I can do everything that someone at C1 can do but better I do not hesitate anymore and rarely need help writing My slight accent betrays I am not a native speaker I even joke